14th annual Transgender Day of Visibility marked on March 31

14th annual Transgender Day of Visibility marked on March 31

March 31, 2023
Collage of seven Trans Care BC staff members

14th annual Transgender Day of Visibility marked on March 31

International Transgender Day of Visibility (or TDOV), commemorated since March 31, 2009, is a day of recognition, empowerment, and celebration of trans and gender diverse people.

Today – and every day – it’s important to highlight the accomplishments and experiences of trans and gender diverse Refers to gender roles and/or gender expression that do not match social and cultural expectations. people across the province. For cisgender Refers to people who are non-trans, i.e. whose gender matches their assigned sex at birth. allies, increasing awareness and knowledge can help make our communities safer overall. Sharing stories and thoughts from trans and gender diverse people in PHSA’s extended community is a great place to start.

For TDOV 2023, Trans Care BC is pleased to be showcasing these incredible team members:

avery, Health Navigator

"To me, being nonbinary is centred around my liberation. Liberation from traditional gender roles and gender expressions, and liberation to be exactly who I authentically am.

Being nonbinary gives me the freedom to choose what social and medical transition Process of undergoing the medical steps a person deems necessary in order to more closely align their physical body with their gender. This may include hormone therapy or gender-affirming surgeries. is right for me."

- avery, health navigator

Chrissy, Health Navigator

"Non-binary Umbrella term referring to people whose gender does not fall within the binary gender system of woman/girl or man/boy. Some individuals identify as non-binary while others may use terms such as gender non-conforming, genderqueer, or agender. Non-binary people may or may not conform to societal expectations for their gender expression and gender role, and they may or may not seek gender-affirming medical or surgical care. and trans community has been the biggest resource for me.

My mind is constantly expanding to the possibilities of what non-binary means to me from what I learn from community."

- Chrissy, health navigator

Emory, Health Navigator

"Being trans gives me the freedom to reject the ways of being that were once forced upon me and find ways of living and loving myself in a way that feels more true to who I am outside of the traditional confines of gender."

- Emory, health navigator

Gwen, Provincial Lead

"After 20+ years of fearing repercussions if I opened up about my gender, the last 20+ years of self-acceptance, supportive loved ones, and watching community grow has been exquisite and so very, very healing."

- Gwen, provincial lead, Education

Hayf, Acting Provincial Lead

"Exploring gender in the context of my cultural background has felt challenging. Learning from my POC and Indigenous friends and family has helped me see the infinite ways that I can be authentic and confident in my skin."

- Hayf, acting provincial lead, Partnerships + Networks

Marc, Health Navigator

"Friends, family, co-workers and allies, can listen and believe our stories and struggles. They can also be curious, ask respectful questions, and most importantly treat us as welcome, productive and valued members of society."

- Marc, health navigator 

Rae, Nurse Educator

"To me, being trans is about challenging and living outside of the rigid gender roles and stereotypes enforced since birth.

My favorite thing about being trans is the gift of freedom, strength, and confidence to be my full self."

- Rae, nurse educator

By sharing these profiles, Trans Care BC and PHSA broadly hopes that people can increase their understanding and therefore, be more inclusive and offer more accessible services for trans and gender diverse people across British Columbia.

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