Penis construction
To help you understand the penis construction journey, we’ve broken it down into eight steps. They cover how to access, prepare for and recover from surgery.

Considering surgery
Understanding the procedure
Referral for surgery
Meeting with the surgeon
Preparing for surgery
Day of surgery
Recovering from surgery
Life after surgery
Community Voices

It’s hard to describe, but I just feel this overwhelming sense of peace with my phalloplasty. Having a penis, just having one, has done so much for me. It’s come with challenges, especially in recovery, but the result for me has been a sigh of relief for my body and whole being.
—B, on the sense of peace his surgery brought

My penis isn’t exactly what I had hoped for, but overall I’m happy with my procedure decisions. I’m thankful that, before accessing surgery, I was able to have very frank conversations with my surgeons, nurse practitioners, friends and others about what my priorities were and what level of risk and recovery I was able to accept.