Supporting youth 13–18

Discover pathways and support for questioning, trans, non-binary or Two-Spirit teens so they can learn more about their options.


Gender health & development

These key concepts can help parents better understand how to support their youth.

Support for your youth

Learn the various ways a trans youth might need support and how to access it.

Affirmation & social transition

Learn more about how trans youth can transition without medication.

Medical options

There are medical transition options that are available to teens who require it.

Community Voices

Read some unique perspectives, stories, and insights from trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit community members.
Person holding a baby and a book
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I gave my child their name at birth and I felt very attached to it. When they said they wanted to change their name, I had some complex emotions about it. We bonded by choosing their new name together, which was a pretty incredible moment.

—R, on gender-affirming bonding moments
Young person reading a book in bed
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My mom and I have never had a big discussion about gender. I’m not a big touchy feely type of person and I don’t think I ever really want or need that. What’s super meaningful to me, though, is all the little things my mom does to show she’s listening to me. When she uses my name and pronouns, even when she messes up but corrects herself, that is such a big deal to me because it means she’s respecting me and taking me seriously.

—B, on having their gender acknowledged and validated