Find resources and support for transgender, Two-Spirit and non-binary youth and young people.

Information specific to trans youth
This section of the Trans Care BC website provides additional information on topics that youth want to know more about.
If you are looking for information about broader topics, such as ID Change, Social Transition, Hormone Therapy, Surgery and How to Get Care, please visit those pages on our website.
Connecting with other trans youth
Connecting with other trans, Two-Spirit A term used within some Indigenous communities to reflect complex Indigenous understandings of gender and sexuality and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures. Two-Spirit encompasses sexual, gender, cultural and spiritual identity. It may refer to cross-gender, multi-gender or non-binary gender roles, non-heterosexual identities, and a range of cultural identities, roles and practices embodied by Two-Spirit peoples. Some people also use "2-Spirit" or "2S." (Source: Battered Women’s Support Services) and non-binary Umbrella term referring to people whose gender does not fall within the binary gender system of woman/girl or man/boy. Some individuals identify as non-binary while others may use terms such as gender non-conforming, genderqueer, or agender. Non-binary people may or may not conform to societal expectations for their gender expression and gender role, and they may or may not seek gender-affirming medical or surgical care. youth can be a wonderful way to make friends, talk about issues that are important to you and learn from others who may be going through similar experiences.
Our Peer Support Directory has a searchable list of youth groups for trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary youth all around the province, as well as online.
Connecting with support at school
Whether you go to K–12, university or college, you may spend a lot of time at school. Finding spaces at these learning centres where you can be yourself is important.
Queer Straight Alliances
Queer A reclaimed term for non-heterosexual or non-cisgender people. "Queer" provides convenient shorthand for "LGBT2Q+", and is also used by some people to describe their personal identities. Straight Someone who is primarily attracted to people of the "opposite" gender within a binary understanding of gender. Alliances (QSAs), also known as Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs), are groups that provide opportunities for students of all gender identities to come together in a safe environment.
GSAs focus on support, raising awareness about the issues faced by queer and trans people, and challenging discrimination based on gender identity A person's deeply held, internal sense of themself as male, female, a blend of both or neither. (Source: and sexual orientation Refers to terms such as lesbian, gay, straight, and queer, which are based on patterns of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to groups of people. Sexual orientation terms are commonly (but not always) defined by the gender(s) of the people that the individual is attracted to. Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions; for example pansexual, bisexual, LGB, heterosexual. . A GSA can be peer-led by students or led by a GSA sponsor (a supportive adult such as a teacher, youth worker or parent).
If you want to create a safe space for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in your town and learn facilitation, advocacy, and peer support skills, these resources can help.
Resources to support your QSA — has published a Guide to Virtual GSAs, which provides tips and suggestion for hosting your GSA online.
Pride Net — this website’s guide to creating and supporting a Queer Straight Alliance is a tool for students and adult ally sponsors.
Pride groups and campus supports
If you attend post-secondary school, there may be 2SLGBTQIA+ organizations for students on your campus. These organizations may be resource centres, social clubs, advocacy groups or a mix.
Pride groups at your college or university can often direct you to gender-affirming health and wellness supports on-campus (if available).
Resources at B.C. post secondary schools
University of British Columbia
- UBC Pride Collective — this a student-led organization plans events, provides resources and creates inclusive spaces.
- Gender-Affirming Health Care at UBC — information about gender-affirming health care is available on campus for UBC students.
- UBC Trans Coalition Health Care Access Guide — this guide will walk you through each step in finding provider care at UBC. It also outlines:
- What to expect from hormone and surgical readiness assessments
- Accessing prescriptions and coverage
- The broader landscape for gender-affirming health care resources in B.C.
Simon Fraser University
- SFU Out on Campus — this department of the Simon Fraser Student Society supports SFU’s LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, Gay Someone who is primarily attracted to those of the same gender. The term is often but not exclusively used to refer to men. , Bisexual Someone who is attracted to and may form relationships with people of at least two genders. Some bi people define the "bi" in bisexuality as referring to two types of attraction: to their own gender and to other genders. , Transgender, Queer or Questioning A term sometimes used by people in the process of exploring their gender or sexual orientation or who choose not to identify with any other label. (Source: QMUNITY) , Intersex A term that some people with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) use to self-identify. DSD refers to reproductive or sexual anatomy that is outside the common range of variance assigned as male or female anatomy. Differences may be related to genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, chromosomal make-up, hormonal receptivity, and may or may not be visible at birth. Recent research estimates 1.7% of newborns may have some variance of DSD. Intersex and DSD are related to physical sex development, and therefore are different than trans, which is related to gender. , Aromantic/Asexual Someone who does not experience sexual desire for people of any gender. Some asexual people desire romantic relationships, while others do not. Asexuality can be considered a spectrum, with some asexual people experiencing desire for varying types of intimacy. This desire can fluctuate over time. Asexuality is distinct from celibacy, which is the deliberate refraining from sexual activity. Asexual people experience high levels of invisibility and trivialization. (Source: QMUNITY) , Two-Spirit and more) students and allies.
- Trans and Gender Diverse Guide to SFU — this guide covers policies at SFU concerning transgender and gender diverse Refers to gender roles and/or gender expression that do not match social and cultural expectations. students, advice for issues they might deal with and resources this audience might find useful or relevant.
- SFU Gender-Affirming Care — information about gender-affirming health care is available on campus for SFU students.
University of Victoria
- LGBTQIA2S+ Student Wellness Resources— information about gender-affirming care Processes through which a health care system cares for and supports an individual while recognizing and acknowledging their gender and expression. available through Student Wellness and other resources available to trans, Two-Spirit and non-binary UVic students.
Support for parents and loved ones
Gender may be a new concept for your parents, caregivers and family. It can be hard to know where to start.
You may want to help teach them about gender, but you also may feel like this is a lot of work or that you need support helping your loved ones to better understand gender and how to support you.
The Parents and Families section of our website is where you can direct loved ones for information, resources and support.
Contact our team of experienced health navigators for information about gender-affirming care in B.C.