Peer support directory
Find peer support groups and services across British Columbia for trans, non-binary and Two-Spirit children, youth and adults, as well as their parents, caregivers, families, partners and support networks.
Displaying 25 - 36 of 93 results
Gender Outlaws
Trans Connect is a peer support and resource program for the trans, non-binary, Two Spirit, intersex, and questioning communities in the East and West Kootenays. We run peer support groups for youth and adults, present Trans 101 workshoops for the community, and support people in navigating medical systems and community resources.
Monthly, please contact the coordinator for more details.
Gender Self Determination ID Clinic
Supporting larger groups to learn the steps, fill out the first set of forms, and outline the process.
Peers Victoria Resources Society
744 Fairview Road #1
Victoria, B.C.
PACE Society
148 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Gender Spectacular
Come meet parents, caregivers, and close adult family members of trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit children and youth. Our group centres a gender-affirming approach to support caregivers, wherever they are at, as they navigate staying in connection with their trans child. This group is facilitated by trans adults who are experienced working with trans children, youth, and parents and caregivers.
Once a month; please contact for exact dates/time.
Oaklands Community Association
2827 Belmont Avenue #1
Victoria, B.C.
Email address in monthly newsletter.
Gender Variant Support Group
A monthly drop-in space covering different topics and activities for the diverse array of trans, non-binary, genderqueer, Two Spirit, and otherwise gender variant individuals in the Southern Vancouver Island area. Meetings currently run virtually and in-person, alternating between two in-person months, then two online, etc.
Last Thursday each month from 6:00p.m. — 8:00p.m.
Generation Q
Gen Q invites young people ages 12 - 18 who identify as LGBTQ2SIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Two-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, or another gender or sexual orientation minority) to meet every Thursday night at 6:30p.m. for a variety of activities (games, movie nights, crafts, discussions, guest speakers and more!) and conversations in a supportive, inclusive environment.
By providing a safe and welcoming environment where gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people can come to meet, talk, get to know each other, ask questions and understand themselves better, we hope to support as many LGBTQ2SIA+ youth in our community in as many diverse ways we can. Coming out is an on-going, ever evolving, never ending narrative... Let us support you in continuing to write your story!
Thursdays from 6:30p.m. — 8:30p.m.
20 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, B.C.
Please visit our website and follow the links under the "Registration" page for Youth Programs. Alternatively, email for assistance with your registration.
A safe space for 2SLGBTQI+ youth and allies to hangout, meet others, and engage in fun activities! Activities include games, crafts, and discussions around gender, identity, and acceptance.
South Arm Community Centre
880 Williams Road
Richmond, B.C.
GSN All-Ages Support Group
Free, Peer-led Support Group for Transgender, Gender Non-Conforming, and Two-Spirit People of All ages & Their Families who wish to network with and support each other.
Every second Tuesday from 7:00p.m. — 9:00p.m.
Online and The Metis House
7201 Vedder Road
Chilliwack, B.C.
Hummingbird Community Outreach Society
Serving the Fraser Valley - Creating spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ GNC youth and young adults up to 24 who are facing substance use, homelessness, mental health challenges, and increased risk.
We provide harm reduction, youth drop-ins, substance use education, resource navigation, 1:1 support, and outreach services.
I Belong - Free Peer Support Social Group for LGBTQ Immigrants, Refugees, and Newcomers
I Belong is a program welcoming all LGBTIA2+ refugees and newcomers. This program provides community support, one-on-one help, referrals for settlement needs, and counselling.
Every Monday
5576 Boundary Road
Vancouver, B.C.
Call or email
Jackie's Whine & Cheese
Free, online social group with conversation and friendship for people in the Transgender Community.
Every second Saturday from 7:00p.m. — 9:00p.m.
Please contact us for the link at
Kind Pride Club Ages 10 - 12
A crafts club for 2SLBGTQIA+ youth and allies ages 10 - 12.
Second Friday
Family Resource Centre
3303 30th Street
Vernon, B.C.
Latidos Latines
Latidos Latines is a social group for Spanish-speaking Latinx LGBTQIA+ folks who want to connect with others in that language, in celebration and reflection of cultural heritage as influential on identities, and in sharing information and resources for the community locally. The group meets twice monthly (online and in-person), creating a safer space for the queer Latinx community social connection in BC. As well as celebrating Holidays with good food and music, and focus on building community space by and for Latinx LGBTQIA+ people. The group welcomes Portuguese-speaking Latines, though the facilitators do not speak the language. Portuguese-speaking volunteer facilitators are welcome, too!
Twice monthly on first Tuesday and third Wednesday from 6:00p.m. — 8:00p.m.
1170 Bute Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Please note: This directory is intended to provide an overview of peer support groups and resources available in B.C. Each listing is published as received from external sources, and Trans Care BC does not endorse or guarantee all listings.
Do you have a peer support group you'd like to list here?
Visit our Resources for Peer Support Groups page for instructions on how to submit your group's information to Trans Care BC.
Contact our team of experienced health navigators for information about gender-affirming care in B.C.