Testosterone and bodyfeeding

Testosterone and bodyfeeding

Read about the potential risks and benefits of taking testosterone when bodyfeeding.

About this document

Many transgender, Two-Spirit A term used within some Indigenous communities to reflect complex Indigenous understandings of gender and sexuality and the long history of sexual and gender diversity in Indigenous cultures. Two-Spirit encompasses sexual, gender, cultural and spiritual identity. It may refer to cross-gender, multi-gender or non-binary gender roles, non-heterosexual identities, and a range of cultural identities, roles and practices embodied by Two-Spirit peoples. Some people also use "2-Spirit" or "2S." (Source: Battered Women’s Support Services) , and non-binary Umbrella term referring to people whose gender does not fall within the binary gender system of woman/girl or man/boy. Some individuals identify as non-binary while others may use terms such as gender non-conforming, genderqueer, or agender. Non-binary people may or may not conform to societal expectations for their gender expression and gender role, and they may or may not seek gender-affirming medical or surgical care. people take testosterone to affirm their gender. While testosterone is considered unsafe to take during pregnancy, it is likely safe to use when bodyfeeding. Research on testosterone while bodyfeeding is limited to two case studies and one self report in a larger study of transmasculine Refers to trans people who were assigned female at birth and whose gender expression leans towards the masculine. parents. None of these articles reported negative side effects for parents or infants; however, there is not enough research to conclude that testosterone is absolutely safe when bodyfeeding.

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