



Acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people. There are many variations of this acronym.


An evolving acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, Queer and additional identities. There are many variations of this acronym.

Lifestyle choice

A disrespectful term used to imply that people make the choice to be trans. Although the term is sometimes used without malice, the term is commonly used to imply that negative ramifications trans people may experience from discrimination are their own fault. Its premise of choice discredits the individual's innate sense of gender and belittles the struggles trans people may face due to living in societies that pathologize, stigmatize, and discriminate against trans individuals.

Lower surgery

Umbrella term for gender-affirming surgeries done below the waist, including hysterectomy, erectile tissue release, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, orchiectomy and vaginoplasty surgeries. Also called “bottom surgery”.