


Male-to-Female (MTF)

A term sometimes used to refer to a person assigned male at birth whose gender is female all or part of the time, who is transitioning to female, or who identifies their experience as being on a male-to-female spectrum. (Source: QMUNITY)


A person who identifies as a man based on elements of importance to them, which may include gender, physiology, social roles, behaviour and expression.


Socially and culturally coded aspects of gender typically associated with boys and men (e.g. roles, behaviour, expression).

Masculinizing surgeries

Gender-affirming surgical procedures that create physical characteristics associated with a person's gender, including chest surgery, hysterectomy, clitoral release, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, pectoral implants, liposuction, and lipofilling.

Medical transition

Process of undergoing the medical steps a person deems necessary in order to more closely align their physical body with their gender. This may include hormone therapy or gender-affirming surgeries.


A gender-affirming lower surgery to create a penis. Metoidioplasty involves cutting ligaments around the clitoris to add length to the shaft and grafting skin around the shaft to create more girth. Optional additional procedures include scrotoplasty and urethral lengthening. 

Monthly bleeding

Menstrual bleeding or period.